
There is a season of WAITING — the agonizing tension of not knowing and having it all figured out

There is a season of SURRENDER — when all effort and money has been exhausted, but the situation remains the same, so you let go and finally let God take over

There is a season of BROKENNESS — an unbearable yet unshareable loneliness; sometimes you have to catch your breath, sometimes no one is there to catch you

There is a season of DISCIPLINE — a bitter pill, a breaking of your pride, a humbling moment

There is a season of BATTLE — against our own inner sins, lusts of the flesh, the mind that does not want to forgive, and the injustices and evils of this world

There is a season of NEW BEGINNINGS — a heart of stone to a heart of flesh, dry bones to new life, an old creation to a new one, for He makes all things new

There is a season of HEALING — for by His stripes we are healed: physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, mentally, Amen.

There is a season of JOY — there may be pain in the night, but it will surely come in the morning.

And in whatever season we may be, he remains the same — FAITHFUL, LOVING, CONCERNED, PURSUER OF OUR SOULS, MERCIFUL, FORGIVING, NEAR.

There is hope.

There is a glorious future.

There is a Blessed Hope.

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